Time will not tolerate any excuse when it comes to passing your ICAN May Exams, no matter how serious the situation.
Timothy Is Back!
It is March 6, 2024, today. Do you recall my desire to wish you a good new month? It seems like just a few hours ago. In actuality, however, it was six days ago. Furthermore, time waits for no one, as shown by the fact that you are now aged.
Perhaps you’re wondering what exactly I’m driving at. What exactly am I attempting to highlight here? Well, it’s a straightforward, universally accepted reality. This implies that I’m going into detail about the straightforward truth—Time and tide won’t wait for you.
You are getting older every day and time will wait for you; it won’t tell you that you have financial problems. that you lack psychological equilibrium, and it will hold out for you. that it will wait for you even when you are having relationship problems. Your workload is heavy; it ought to wait for you, and so on.
Time does not wait for you because it knows that you are human and have the ability to overcome obstacles in your daily life. If you choose not to overcome them, that is a decision you make.
Therefore, no matter how serious the situation, there will be no room for excuses when it comes to passing your ICAN exams. Since circumstances did not bring you here, you chose to be where you are. Should the responsibilities of your job have prevented you from studying, it is your responsibility to locate flexible study options.
You shouldn’t give up on your dreams of a remarkable outcome overnight if your wage is insufficient. You’ll simply get the money from someone someplace. This is only a wish; find other ways to get the funds instead.
No matter what your situation, you must find a solution. God endowed you with the capacity for reason and problem-solving for this reason. Because there are many mysteries in life, and it is your duty to constantly find the answers.
Therefore, it is entirely your obligation to choose the study strategy that works best for your hectic schedule and present reality when it comes to passing your ICAN Exams.
Now that you are aware of these things, do you still want to make excuses and squander your valuable time, or do you want to jump right in and begin?
You have the freedom to decide. Obtain your Q&A for your Comprehensive and Simplified Lecture Videos.
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FCA Tim Jibodu
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Credit: Allschoolabs, Nairaland