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ABU Zaria announces Vice-Chancellor vacancy

The Governing Council of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, announces that the position of Vice-Chancellor will soon be vacant.

Qualified and distinguished academics with at least fifteen years of university teaching and administrative experience are invited to apply.

1. The Job

The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Academic and Accounting Officer of the University, an ex-officio member of the Council, and Chairperson of the Senate. Key responsibilities include:

  • Advising the Council on finance and administration.
  • Maintaining peace, order, and efficient university management, and enforcing university regulations.
  • Overseeing discipline within the university.
  • Regulating student admissions based on approved guidelines.
2. Qualities and Qualifications

Applicants must:

  • Be a Professor with at least 10 years of experience at a reputable university.
  • Hold a strong academic reputation and standing in their field.
  • Have in-depth experience in all aspects of university administration.
  • Command respect nationally and internationally, particularly in academic circles.
  • Exhibit high moral standards, integrity, and sound mental and physical health.
  • Be under 65 years of age.
3. Conditions of Service

Remuneration and service conditions align with federal Nigerian university standards.

4. Method of Application

Applicants must submit 30 copies each of their application letter, comprehensive CV, and vision statement for the university. Marked “POST OF VICE-CHANCELLOR, A.B.U. ZARIA,” applications should be sent confidentially to:

The Registrar and Secretary to Council
Ahmadu Bello University,
P.M.B. 1045, Zaria,
Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Deadline: Friday, 13 December 2024.

5. Referees

Applicants must provide names and contact details of three referees, with at least two capable of attesting to the applicant’s academic, professional, and managerial achievements.


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